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The Cobra Event: A Novel, by Richard Preston

PDF-Bücher The Cobra Event: A Novel, by Richard Preston
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Dieser Titel ist in englischer Sprache. New York, in den späten 90er Jahren. Ein 17-jähriges Mädchen macht sich auf den Weg zu ihrer Privatschule, obwohl sie eine Erkältung hat. Leider ist Kate Moran talentiert, schön und die erste Figur, die in Richard Prestons erstem Roman auftaucht -- insofern sind ihre Überlebenschancen vermutlich relativ gering. Und tatsächlich -- bereits im Zeichenunterricht schießt ihr der Mukus aus der Nase, und sie ist äußerst desorientiert. In Sekundenschnelle, so scheint es, wird sie von Schüttelkrämpfen gepackt und kann absonderlicherweise nicht mehr aufhören, sich selbst zu beißen. Das einzige, was dem Leser bleibt, ist zu hoffen, daß sie schnell stirbt, aber Kates Körper muß vorher noch einige widerliche Anfälle über sich ergehen lassen, und der Autor -- ein jakobinischer Zeremonienmeister par excellence -- schildert sie uns in all ihren bizarren und blutigen Einzelheiten. Das, was sich Kate eingefangen hatte, war eindeutig eine Erkältung ersten wissenschaftlichen Ranges. Prestons Heldin, Alice Austen, Ärztin bei den amerikanischen Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stellt bei der ersten von mehreren fesselnden Autopsieszenen fest, daß das Nervensystem des Mädchens praktisch zerstört wurde. Bis jetzt ist nur eine weitere Person bekannt, die auf gleiche Weise gestorben ist, aber hierbei handelt es sich um einen obdachlosen Mann. Austen muß die zwei Fälle, deren einziger gemeinsamer Nenner die U-Bahn zu sein scheint, in Zusammenhang bringen, bevor die Medien Wind davon bekommen und einen allgemeinen Paranoiarausch auslösen -- und bevor der Schöpfer des Virus wieder zuschlagen kann. Cobra ist selbst ein Paranoiarausch, ein provokativer Thriller, der einen dazu veranlaßt, sich zu fragen, wieviel Bioterrorismus es in der wirklichen Welt tatsächlich gibt. Preston, am besten bekannt für seine erschreckende Chronik über den Ebola-Virus, Hot Zone und andere tadellos recherchierte Sachbücher, gibt sich nicht zufrieden mit schnellen, alptraumhaften Szenen. Sein Roman ist statt dessen eine komplexe, in ungemütlichen Tatsachen fest verankerte Moralität. Preston legt Wert auf die Vermittlung der "unsichtbaren Geschichte" der Biowaffentechnik und gleichermaßen des unbesungenen Heldenmuts seiner wissenschaftlichen Detektive (zusammen mit dem der Krankenschwestern und Techniker, die ihr Leben für die Medizin buchstäblich opfern). Wie ihrem Schöpfer, fehlt es diesen Figuren nicht an Humor -- so nennen sie diesen Virus aus Menschenhand "die ultimative Erkältung". Dem Leser werden dutzende von Szenen im Gedächnis bleiben, und er wird von nun an die U-Bahn, Nagetiere, Autopsieskalpelle und -- vor allem -- laufende Nasen mit ganz anderen Augen sehen.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 448 Seiten
Verlag: Ballantine Books; Auflage: Reprint (29. August 1998)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0345409973
ISBN-13: 978-0345409973
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: 14 - 18 Jahre
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
10,6 x 2,6 x 17,4 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.8 von 5 Sternen
50 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 13.050 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
This is a great book. It is about biological warfare and weapons and you really do not want to be infected by some of the concoctions that could easily be brewed and loaded onto a warhead.The core of the story is about a deluded nutcase who wants to cut the population down significantly, much like the Black Death did in the 16th and 17th centuries, basically for the good of the survivors. New York's population should be decimated first before this guy and his vicious virus move on round the States.The virus he has engineered is gruesome and the descriptions of its effects are worse than gruesome. Nevertheless, the mixture could probably be manufactured by some sadistic laboratory and relatively easily spread. It's a nice little mix including smallpox and the common cold and it attacks the brain and kills very quickly - and horribly - anyone who comes into contact with it, and there is no treatment.The book kept me on the edge of my chair for quite a while. It was an enthralling read, excitement all the way from cover to cover.Highly recommended but a strong stomach is advised.
A must, you cant't put down this book! - This excellent book opens your eys if you realy like to know the possible results of a biological terror attak? The story tells what is going on if a weaponized virus stolen and spreat out by a former employee from a Bio-Company hit a city like New York or Washington and how difficult it is to handle such a situation. You get a closer look about how a virus works in a human body in general and the development if you are hitten by a waponized virus. The book shows how easy it is to develop a weaponized virus, the simple act of mass production, preperation, and the loading-process in to a bomb. A group of exellent experts with different skills tries to find out the source of the virus and who the suspect is. They find out a network between Iraq, Russia, Swizzerland and the US and only one man . . .Sometimes as I read this book I found a lot of connections between the story and the realities of the last years by now. I hope this story will be only a story and we know what we will doing . . .
I read this book almost a year ago and really enjoyed the scary story. A crazy Russian scientist is out to destroy us with a horrible genetically engineered killer disease. Human trials one and two have taken place as the story opens and the villain scientist is ecstatic. Through a chance encounter, our demented fiend pairs up with a couple of other crazies and together they plot an evil plan, which seems guaranteed to succeed. In a race against time the heroes must thwart the dastardly master-plan. The pace was swift and the story that unfolded was believable and terrifying. I enjoyed the book.Recently, I listened to the abridged audio version of the book read by Blair Underwood. I was extremely disappointed. Mr. Underwood read with enthusiasm and energy but the rendering of the female voices were all ludicrous. His falsetto attempt to differentiate characters by vocal quality failed miserably, in my opinion. It would have been better had he not even attempted the tonal variation as by doing so he turned the entire story into a sort of comic jest. If you want a laugh, listen to the abridged tape, otherwise don't waste your time or money on it!
The Cobra Event had the potential to be a good story but, unfortunately, it lacked an author who could write fiction. While Preston definitely is familiar with all the details about biological warfare, he has virtually no ability to develop and sustain a plot and in creating rich, interesting characters. All of his characters are cardboard-like figures. The publisher would have been more honest in marketing this book as a scientific documentary on biological warfare than as a suspense thriller. Save yourself the time and possible expense and skip The Cobra Event.
I got this book today (Dec 4) and peeked at it during breaks (entering data at Phi Kappa Psi (ugh)). Then plunged into it and go through the entire novel in one sitting! Comments: I kept getting the idea he was writing this for the movie (coming out? 1999?) instead of a book that is then made into a movie! Enjoyed the glossary page in the back but would have appreciated a list of characters (I filled up two pages writing down characters to keep track of them!). Warning: Going to give some stuff away: SPOILERS. Don't read any further if you haven't read the book! The character of Austen I found so frustrating - especially the attitude she had after she found the virus in the apartment of the 17 year old girl who one of the index cases. She simply tells the housekeeper not to enter - I would think she would be calling CDCP and getting them out to the apartment quickly to seal off the entire apartment ("...don't turn on the air-conditioning!" ugh). The use of U.N. inspection teams element in the book was well timed considering all the Iraq U.N weapons inspection headlines recently. Liked the details of the autopsy that the book provided. You need a strong stomach (no pun intended) for those portions of the book (particularly around pages 65 - 72). Particularly disheartening when the author discussed the way nations have ignored the 1972 Bio, Tox, Weapons Convention.
It may well be labeled fiction but it's cut too close to home. Everyday, we hear about technology break through. We have very intelligent scientists who devote their lives to discoveries & improvements. Good thing if these discoveries & developments are used to improve everyday lives & to bring good deeds & prosperity to everyone. But what if these developments include something like COBRA which can mass exterminate? It may be used as biological weapons (to protect who from what?) or it may be used as a tool to control population as what Cope may have intended to(do humans have the right to take this to their own hands?). These issues are highly debatable --- whether be it in a moral, ethical, or social view. But why do we do this & what for?
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