Free PDF , by Ann Cleeves
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, by Ann Cleeves

Free PDF , by Ann Cleeves
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 653 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 384 Seiten
Verlag: Macmillan (5. September 2019)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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#11.514 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Detective Matthew Venn is attending his Father's funeral when a body is discovered on a local beach. Maybe a potential murder case will be a diversion from thinking about the complicated relationship he had with his father. In the coastal area of North Devon, there aren't many murders.North Devon is a picturesque coastal town with two rivers which feed into the sea. Matthew, and his husband, Jonathan, live in a beach house, and hear the "long call" which is the cry of the herring gulls who fly above.Matthew is a rather quiet and staid youngish detective while Jonathan, a former chef and construction worker, is more gregarious and outgoing. What infuses some liveliness in Matthew's life are his colorful colleagues: Ross, the young constable underling, who is the DCI's golden boy, and definitely not a team player. Then there's Jen, Matthew's sergeant, whose flaming red hair matches her fiery and fun personality. As a single mother and party girl, she has a hard time balancing work, play and her kids, but Matthew thinks she is his best detective on his team. You get to occupy her mind with the all-knowing author, and Jen's thoughts and words were one of my favorite parts of this series.The crime revolves around the murder of a mysterious person who has been living in the area, who has a connection to the Arts Center where Jonathan works. This connection to Jonathan may mean that Matthew eventually may have to recuse himself from the investigation. Will the crime involve Jonathan, the success of his work, or their relationship?The investigation involves getting to know local citizens and businesses, and unwinding their relationship with the victim. And what does Jonathan's Arts Center have to do with the murder, if anything? At times the investigation gets a little too close to Matthew and Jonathan's personal life and comfort.The author, Ann Cleeves, writes the popular Vera series and Shetland series, both of which have been made into a film series. The coastal British setting, the diverse characters, and the plot would definitely translate well to film. This should be a hit with many readers. The quality of the writing is up to par with the Shetland and Vera series.The richness of the characters, the gorgeous seaside setting, and interesting relationships of the various characters should provide a director with an abundance of creative ingredients to turn this into a fascinating and popular film series. We need more British detective film series.If you like the Vera and Shetland series, you should enjoy this new addition to author Ann Cleeves' mystery series repertoire. It's a perfect vacation read with the atmospheric English coast, and long call of the gulls, filling your mind with sights and sounds.
"The Long Call," the first in a new series by Ann Cleeves, features Matthew Venn, an inspector in the North Devon police force. Venn is married to Jonathan Church, who manages the Woodyard, a multipurpose community center that offers daytime activities for developmentally disabled adults; classes in various subjects; and studio space for an artist-in-residence, Gaby Henry. Venn, DS Jen Rafferty, and DC Ross May look into the murder of Simon Walden, a hard-drinking and depressed army veteran who had been carrying a heavy burden of guilt. The victim was also an accomplished chef who volunteered at the Woodyard. Simon's killer stabbed him and left his corpse on a beach not far from Matthew and Jonathan's home.The dense plot involves a number of people who had a connection with Walden. Among them are Chrisopher Preece, the Woodyard's wealthy chair of trustees and a generous donor to charitable causes; Preece's daughter, Caroline, a psychiatric social worker who treated Simon and later became his landlady; thirty-year-old Lucy Braddick, a woman with Down Syndrome who knew and liked Walden; Lucy's doting dad, Maurice; and Darren Salter, the head of a cult-like religious group that Matthew once belonged to, but abandoned many years earlier. Matthew, Jen, and Ross track down and interrogate a variety of witnesses, but before the police are able to make much progress, a woman is abducted. Finding her before it is too late becomes a top priority.Alas, "The Long Call" is not a particularly compelling mystery. The book is sluggishly paced and aside from the lively and independent Lucy, few members of the large cast engage our emotions. Venn is a bland individual who lives a quiet life with his husband. At work, he is an honest, competent, and caring detective whom his subordinates like and respect. A source of sadness for Venn has been his estrangement from his mother and father (the latter died before Matthew managed to reconcile with him). The long-awaited conclusion is convoluted, messy, and unsatisfying. In her best novels, Cleeves's storytelling skills and character development have been first-rate, but this time around, it was difficult to stick with this talky and tedious whodunit.
The plot is launched by the murder of an alcoholic homeless man — a case that turns out to have unexpected complexities. Then the police are confronted with the mysterious disappearance of two young women with Down’s Syndrome, one after another. Matthew Venn is the detective in charge.Venn is nothing like the macho maverick detective so often encountered in police procedurals. He’s well dressed, abstemious, quietly intelligent, and respectably married — to another man. His husband runs the community center at the heart of the various mysteries Venn is investigating. This may present a bit of a conflict, but Venn’s lazy boss doesn’t want him to step down from investigating.Venn was brought up in an evangelical cult, and was ejected from the community when he lost his faith. The Brethren continue to haunt him as he investigates.Venn’s home life is pleasantly normal and domestic — compared to the dysfunctional heterosexual marriages of certain other characters and the sordid affairs of his second in command. The Long Call is an unusual book all around. I lost interest in some earlier books by Ann Cleeves, but this one I liked very much. The portrayal of people with Down’s was an eye-opener.
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